Discovery Ministry

Discovery Ministry

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We have been working along side Macedonians to reach the Christian Orthodox Macedonians and the Muslim Albanians. We desire to encourage and support their ministry in an environment that can be both hostile and ambivalent to the Gospel. We are helping poor families with food and other necessities and sharing the Gospel when God provides the opportunity. We will continue to bring teams to help with serving the poor, share the Gospel with people who are interested, and read the Bible together with followers of Christ.

Some time ago, Jordan, a Macedonian believer, had the idea set up a coffee house that would allow him and other believers a place to meet to study the Bible together as well as a place for those who want to explore more of what it means to be a follower of Christ. You can see the video of that trip here.

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Since 1999, Kosovo Partners have been taking groups to reach out to the people in Kosovo. We have built relationships through a variety of projects, worked with the government and small businesses for economic development, and provided financially for widows and poor families. By building relationships with people in Kosovo, we demonstrate that we want to help them and we value them as friends. Many Kosovars have commented on our continued presence after many other international organizations have left.

In 1999, Discovery Ministry was featured on multiple news stories showing the beginning of our involvement in that part of the world. You can view the video of some of those clips as well as our own video footage of the crisis and refugee camps here.

LifeTouch's Life to the Max TV show highlighted the photo project in 2013 and how we have partnered with LifeTouch over the years in two different segments. You can view them here.

You can find more information about Kosovo Partners and what God is doing there by visiting
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